Tuesday, April 18, 2006

MetLife Signs Build-to-Suit for 115,00 Square Foot Office Building in Tampa

BUSINESS WIRE - April 18, 2006

Highwoods Properties, Inc. (NYSE: HIW), the largest owner and operator of suburban office properties in the Southeast, announced today that it has been awarded a build-to-suit lease at Highwoods Preserve for approximately 115,000 square feet by MetLife which already owns and/or leases over 300,000 square feet at this 800,000 square foot campus. Under the terms of the agreement, Highwoods will build a new, four-story office building with deck parking, investing approximately $19.7 million in the project. The building will be 100% occupied by MetLife under a long-term lease agreement. It is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2007. Sphere: Related Content

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