Friday, December 16, 2005

Deutsche Telekom Completes $33 Million Sale Leaseback of Three Office Buildings in Frankfurt

Globes Online - December 11,2005

A subsidiary of Direct Capital Investments Ltd. (TASE:DCI) and partners last week bought three office buildings in Frankfurt from Deutsche Telekom (NYSE: DT; XETRA: DTEG) in a sale leaseback deal for NIS 155 million ($33.9 million). Deutsche Telekom will lease back the properties in a ten-year lease, with three five-year options. The return on the deal is 8% a year.

Direct Capital will finance 90% of the purchase, excluding expenses, with a loan from Lehman Brothers (NYSE:LEH). Under the terms of the loan, Direct Capital will borrow Euro 24 million for five years at 4.35% interest a year. The interest will be repaid in quarterly installments. Direct Capital will also repay 2% of the principle a year in quarterly installments. This is Direct Capital's first deal in Western Europe. Sphere: Related Content

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