Friday, December 09, 2005

Marseille-Kliniken Enters Sale Leaseback of Care Facilities for 117 Million Euro

Freeman European News / AFX - December 06, 2005

Marseille-Kliniken AG said it has sold eight care sector properties and two rehabilitation clinics to the UK investor CIT Group Europe. Under the deal, Marseille-Kliniken will lease back the clinics long term. Marseille-Kliniken said the sale enables it to pay off long-term financial debts, improves the capital ratio and creates further financial scope for the implementation of its growth strategy. The clinics comprise a total of 1,550 beds.

Marseille said the transaction is part of its strategy to concentrate primarily on the health facilities business in future, and expanding its overall bed capacity to 12,000 beds by 2008. Once the strategy has been successfully implemented, the company's property portfolio will be distributed 30 pct between facilities owned by the company and 70 pct rented properties. Sphere: Related Content

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