Friday, December 16, 2005

State Street Bank to Lease New UK HQ at Canary Wharf

The Wharf - December 15, 2005

State Street Bank has agreed to heads of terms with Canary Wharf Group (CWG) on a new 300,000 sq ft headquarters to be built at Churchill Place. Construction is to begin on the 12-storey building opposite Barclays HQ, in the new year. The Wharf has previously reported on speculation that the firm, which occupies eight floors in the tower, would be moving. Neither State Street nor CWG would comment on the possible move, but a source close to the deal told The Wharf: "They're taking the building." State Street moved into One Canada Square in August 1991 and has seen staff numbers growing from around 100 to nearly 1,000 in the past 14 years. Sphere: Related Content

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